
BJB Friends is a registered Alumni Association of BJB Autonomous College with Regd. No. 4548-471of1992-93, dated 21.10.1992. The association has hundreds of registered alumniin the college data base. There are frequent interactions between alumni and the college on various events and platforms under Mo College Abhijaan. On 06th July 2021, as per the resolution of Government in Higher education Department No.23272/HE,dt. 02.11.2019, LetterNo.2140/HE, Dat.14.01.2020, Letter No.MCAPS/2021/132, dated01.07.2021 and in accordance to MCAPS, aCollegelevelCommittee(CLC)isreconstituted with Principal as Chairperson, Two senior representatives of the college, ThreeAlumni of the College, Two Nominated members, and Mo College Coordinator as Members of the CollegeLevelCommittee.

CollegelevelCommittee(CLC), BJBAutonomousCollege, BBSR