Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hostel


Dr. B. R. Ambedkar hostel is meant for SC & ST students of B.J.B. Autonomous College, BBSR. It was established in 1967. It is completely a government hostel. Hostel staff like cooks, supporting staff and assistant superintendent of this hostel are appointed by the Govt of Odisha, Dept of SC & ST. At present following staffs are working in the hostel:

  1. Assistant Superintendent (Govt appointed)
  2. Cooks-03 (Govt appointed)
  3. Attendant- 01 (Govt appointed)
  4. DWW (Private)- 04 (03+ 01 (sweeper))


  1. Total no. of rooms- 25
  2. Dining Hall- 01
  3. Library- 01

Each room is provided with Electric fans and light supplied by Govt along with 24 hours of water supply. 4 number of water purifiers are installed inside the hostel.