
Rules and Regulations


The members of the staff, students of the college and other persons specially permitted by the Principal may use the Library and are required to follow the library Rules, listed below :

The Library remains open on all working days between 10.30A.M. to 4.30 P.M. It remains closed on Sundays and authorised holidays.
The last period of every working day is set apart for office work of the Library. Issue or return of books are not allowed during this period.
No book should be taken out of the Library until it has been properly entered in the loan register and the entry attested by the borrower.
Each borrower must examine the condition of the book before it is issued. In case of mutilation discovered later the presumption will be against the borrower. Books should- be returned within the period allowed to the borrower.
When the date for return of book falls on an authorised holiday it should be returned to the Library on the day the college opens after the holiday(s).
Library books in possession of borrowers should be returned to the Library before the college closes for the long vacation on or before the date notified for the purpose.
Whoever might have a Library book in his/ her possession should return to the Library whenever he/ she receives a requisition notice from the Librarian.
No marginal or other notes or marking shall be made in the Library books, nor shall any pictures or pages be removed or otherwise disfigured. The Librarian will report to the Principal, against persons responsible for improper use of the Library books.
A borrower against whom any overdue or other charges is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the
If any borrower keeps a book in his possession for more than the time allowed for the purpose, no more books will be issued to him until the borrowed books are returned to the Library.
All those who may happen to be inside the Library or in its neighbourhood are expected to observe strict silence. The Librarian is authorised to see that the rule of silence is strictly observed and to report any wilful breach of the rule. The Library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting books and periodicals of the Library.
Cycles, sticks, umbrellas and other articles should not be brought into the Library premises. Spitting, smoking and sleeping inside the Library are strictly forbidden.
None but members of the staff may go beyond the library counter. Persons with permission from the Principal may work inside the Library.

14. The following table shows the maximum number of books that may be issued to various class of borrowers.

Class BorrowersTime Limits to
retain the books
Member of Teaching Staff
30 days
Non Teaching Staff15 days
Students +3 Classes
15 days
Members of Staff not related to curriculum are allowed to take 3 (three) books excluding text books and those related to studies.

The books borrowed within one week of commencement of the Summer Vacation shall be returned by the person concerned within one week of the reopening of the College before Summer Vacation.
Books issued to a particular person can be reissued only for two successive occasions during a particular academic session. A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued to him/ her only when nobody wants to take the book. Books before reissue should be presented to the Librarian physically for necessary entries in the register.
Books of reference, text books, current issues of annuals and periodicals, courses of studies and rare books shall not be issued for use at home without the special permission of the Principal.
Members of the staff may take books from the Library on signing a loan register. Students also can take books on production of their valid Library Cards in their respective counters on signing a loan register available for them.
Any book lost, damaged or defaced by a borrower must be replaced by him. If a book is one of a set or a series and the volume cannot be obtained singly, the whole set or series must be replaced by the borrower. In case of books lost (rare book or books out of print) the fine to be imposed on the borrower is at the discretion of the Principal which should not be less than Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred) only in addition to the ten times of the present cost of the books. In case of other books, either the books should be replaced or ten times of the present cost of the book should be deposited. Issue of rare books will be at the discretion of the Principal. If a rare book/ book out of print/ book not readily available in the market is lost by a borrower, he/ she should be asked to submit two Xerox copies of the book as replacement subject to the condition that the Xeroxing should be of high quality, on quality papers and the book should be properly bound. Besides, a time frame is to be imposed as per the discretion of the Principal.
In case of loss or damage, a duplicate Library Card can be issued to a student on production of an affidavit or a copy of the F.I.R. from the concerned Police Station along with an application subject to all other terms and conditions.


The Reading Room shall remain open from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all working days
of the College.
The Reading Room has a seating capacity of 72 readers at a time.
The students shall not be allowed entry without production of the valid Identity Cards and in proper college uniform. No student can use cell phone and it should be in off mode while inside the Library.
No student shall be allowed to carry his/her personal belongings to the study table except pen and papers. They are advised to keep their personal belongings in the open shelves kept inside the reading room for the purpose.
Strict discipline shall be maintained inside the Reading Room. Gossiping, cross-talking and merrymaking in no form shall be allowed. A student found guilty of any misconduct shall be debarred from availing Reading Room facilities, besides inviting further punishment as per rules.
A separate reading room has been opened for teachers’ reference. It shall remain open between 11.00 A.M. and 4.00 P.M. on all working days.