Vice-Principal's Message

Vice-Principal's Message

Dr. Madhubrata Satpathy

Education is a privilege. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. It takes me on a journey ruminating the days from the Classrooms of this august Institution to the helm of affairs in the teaching and administrative fronts. This singular and unique opportunity is entirely due to the blessings of my Teachers, fellow Scholars, Students, the support Staff and above all the membership of one’s Alma Mater. Pensive in my office chamber, I look out at the beautiful quad entirely pouring out with knowledge – seekers, knowledge – carriers and knowledge – facilitators. This has been an extraordinary and unforeseen time. The Institution has come together as one to ensure that our Students are cared for, research protected and Staff supported. I would like to thank each and every one of you for all you have done to support our Institution and for your continued active participation in the alumni community. It signals a great deal to all of us after the prolonged disruption of pandemics. We all know that important ideas don’t come to the World fully formed. Instead, they need to be incubated and discussed in an atmosphere of open exchange among Friends, Classmates and Faculty Members. Our strongest ideas emerge when we assume the best intentions and treat each other as Fellow Travelers pursuing knowledge and truth. While today is an important milestone worthy of recognition, there is still work to be done. Even the most successful person makes mistakes. The process of learning from life’s failures isn’t easy, but it can be a good thing for Students to experience. As a Teacher, one can’t stop Students from struggling, but you help them discover important lessons while providing encouragement to carry on. We must continue to draw on deep reserves of patience and resilience as we find strength in Community, support in Family and Friends, pleasure in helping others less fortunate, and meaning in knowing that the mission of our Institution has never been more important. I would like to thank you, our Alumni, for your ongoing support of our efforts. You are our best Advocates and Ambassadors, and are key Members of Institutional community.

If you want to achieve success in life, you should have courage and determination in yourself. Take up opportunities coming your way and overcome the difficulties with your skill. If you are determined to achieve something, be focused on your target and have confidence in yourself. Your hard work will definitely bring success for you. Sending my best wishes to you and your families.

With Warm Wishes
Dr. Madhubrata Satpathy
Vice-Principal of B.J.B Autonomous College